About Eco Girl

The reason why I have created this blog is because I have recently discovered the threat Earth is under because of us! Not only have we been living on this planet but we have also been destroying it. Eco Everyone is a blog where everyone can get involved and make a difference. Our motto is: many little things can make a big difference, if we work together. THANK YOU FOR JOINING US Eco Girl!!


Tuesday 2 March 2010

What can we do 4.

4. Trees are also a big problem. We are rapidly running out of them because unfortunately not only do we use them to live but we also use them for natural resources like paper, which is in a lot of things.

I know a lot of you people at home may not cut down trees yourself but you can make small differences by using less paper for example and use both sides. Remember our motto


So if we all reuse paper who know what we are capable of changing.

What can we do 3.

3. Electricity. We use up a lot of electricity every day but really we don't need it. As well as veggie week you could also try one day a week where you use no electricity. Why not just give it a try or if that's too much you could try cutting down on electricity. Think of it as a diet, like cutting down on chocolate. Life is one big diet!

What can we do 2.

2. Try to cut down on the meat you eat, I'm not demanding you to be vegetarians, this blog is all about only doing something if you want to do it. But it would be nice if you could try it someday. You could make it quite fun. Why not have a VEGGIE WEEK or day with your family.

What We Can Do.

Ok, so what can we do?
Well, to help all you lot at home I've made
a list of some top10 things that you can do.

You wouldn't think that some of these help but.......

1.Don't Waste. Wasting is a big problem nowadays.
Many people are wasting a lot of our resources.Although it may not feel like it we are
actually using up precious things. For example: only use your taps in short squirts - don't leave it running.

Monday 1 March 2010

What's This Blog About?

This Blog is for EVERYONE!
I think that one of the most important issues today is they way we are living.
Our lifestyle is very important to us but slowly and gradually, and without realising, we are destroying the planet we are living on. Most people as soon as they read this will mutter to themselves, "what nonsense", and log off immediately. But it is scientifically known as true.
But the big question is: